Thursday, May 1, 2014

Broadway Nails imPRESS Press-on Manicure!!!

I was lucky enough to be chosen by Influenster for their UniVoxBox, directed to college students.  The box had a lot of REALLY cool items that I was legitimately excited to try, one of them being Impress Broadway Press-On Nails!

Okay, so I only have one picture of my nails when I had them on, but I LOVED them!!!

So cute right??? I'm so happy I received this design.  They have a ton of cool ones but this one is more me.  It's really mod looking and you'd be surprised by how many compliments I got.  Friends kept asking me where I had gotten them done and strangers took time out of their day to compliment me.  I am used to having some attention brought on by my nails, but never over press on ones.

I am an acrylic addict.  I love fake nails sooooo much.  But they are time consuming, expensive, and PAINFUL.  I'm sure I will go back to them soon, but I really really like these press-on nails for my time in between.  I'm trying to grow my natural ones out and make them healthier, so these are perfect! 

These nails are SUPER affordable at $6 [].  They last about a week too! Which is incredible! They'd last longer with some super glue, which is what I would do if they popped off individually.  

I REALLY recommend giving these a try.  They feel just like real acrylics to wear.  You can put weight and pressure on them and they work great.


P.S. Have you given these babies a try? How did you like them?

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