I recently went to Michael's and got a needle felting kit to make a cute little hedgehog. It's originally $10 but I saved $4 with my 40% off coupon.
I've never needle felted before and did not quite know what to expect. This is my first try and I am obviously no expert!
PLEASE be extremely careful while doing this kit or any other type of felting. The felting needle is extremely sharp and you will bleed if you stab yourself. Also, always felt on top of the provided felting mat! You could seriously damage your property or yourself without it.
Back of the kit.
Included in the packet: Three colors of felting wool, two colors of embroidery floss, instructions, an embroidery needle, a felting mat, and a felting needle. It literally comes with everything you need to make it!

I ended up making the legs first, two long ones for the front and two shorter stumpier ones for the back.
To make these legs, you roll the felt you want into a cylinder. Then take the felting needle and stab where the two come together at the end. This will keep it secure.
Keep stabbing around the entire cylinder to make a nice strong leg. I ended up making mine waaaay too big and had to pull them apart to make them an appropriate size again.

Legs, before I shortened them.
Be extremely careful while stabbing. I stabbed myself twice more after this picture.
Then felt the body. My body shape ended up significantly more guinea pig shaped than the original but I like how chubby it makes him look.

UPDATE!: Dave has now named him Rupert!
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